In the Heart of the Goddess
Priestess/Priest of Avalon Training
with Kit Crowther, Luna Silver and Kathy Jones
Spiral One 2024 -25 starts 26th/27th October 2024
In ancient times the role of a Priestess or Priest of the Goddess was recognized as a Sacred Calling, a life lived in service to Goddess within one of Her Sacred Temples, found all around the world in many different cultures. The majority of those Goddess Temples were destroyed when patriarchal forces took over the world thousands of years ago.
Thankfully Goddess is returning to our awareness. She is once again being recognised as Divine Source and Great Mother of All. Many women and some men are beginning to re-member and re-claim an ancient path of devotion and service to Goddess. Communities and Temples of Goddess are being built anew in Her world, allowing people to come together to learn who Goddess is, to celebrate Her, to recreate Her Sacred Sanctuaries and to experience Her wonderful loving nature.
The Three Year, Three Spiral Priestess/Priest of Avalon training based in Glastonbury offers you a wonderful opportunity to train in the first Spiral to become a Sister or Brother of Avalon, the Sacred Land of Goddess, and then to become a Priestess or Priest of Goddess and of Avalon. It allows you to remember this ancient calling, journeying deeply into the Heart of the Goddess in Avalon and in Brigit’s Isles, connecting to Bridannia, Britannia, Brigit-Anna, and our indigenous British Goddesses, to the Lady of Avalon and the Nine Morgen Sisters, to Her Sacred Isle of Avalon and Her Mysteries.
Lady of Avalon image by Jonathan Minshull