Glastonbury Goddess Temple

Honouring Mystress Glitonea, Morgen of Lammas – a Time of Abundance and Gratitude

Glastonbury Goddess Temple

Honouring Mystress Glitonea, Morgen of Lammas

Glastonbury Goddess Temple

Honouring Mystress Glitonea, Morgen of Lammas

Remembering Koko

10th March 1946 – 19th September 2012

It seems impossible that ten years have passed since Koko died so suddenly and she is sadly missed, not only by everyone around the Goddess Temple but by the many friends she made on her travels and by guests at Pilgrims B&B, otherwise known as the Priestess House.

Koko brought so many of her gifts to our Goddess world and even now inspires us: we’re creating a new section on this website to honour our Foremothers – Koko and other women who helped create and shape not only the Avalon Temple but the many new ones opening up throughout the world.

Your contributions are welcome – please click here to read more.