Sheffield Goddess Temple opened at Imbolc 2014 and provides a sacred space for quiet contemplation every day except Sunday between 12.30-1.30pm. You can find us above Airy Fairy Shop and Café, 239 London Road, Sheffield S24NF.
We celebrate the wheel of the year, with ceremony and workshops, and these are advertised on our Facebook page: Sheffield Goddess Temple where full details can be found two weeks before an event.
We work with our rediscovered local Goddesses in the Yorkshire landscape in the form of our Northern Wheel, honouring Derwenna, Don, Rebellisama, Adine, Bride (maiden) Arnamatia (lover) Gwenth (harvest mother) Penine (Grandmother).
We run priestess trainings and men’s and women’s empowerment groups.
If you want to find out more about our temple please do contact us through Airy Fairy on 0114 249 2090.
We look forward to welcoming you into our sacred space and community!