Our Vision

Photos: Ann Cook

Glastonbury Goddess Temple is a visionary organisation dedicated and devoted to bringing Goddess alive in the world in the 21st Century, through the empowerment of women and men as spiritual thinkers, leaders and visionholders.
For too long Goddess has been forgotten, degraded and denigrated as patriarchal thinking has dominated our world culture. This has occurred in parallel with the oppression of women, through the control of women’s bodies and physical expression, and the repression of women’s spiritual, emotional and creative energies.
Glastonbury Goddess Temple follows and offers to others a devotional path of returning to Love for Goddess for all people. We do this through the holding of Goddess-centred space, and by offering ceremonial and healing experiences that are available to all.
Our Temple Vision
To Bring Goddess Alive in the World
Our vision is to celebrate and openly worship the Great Goddess in all of Her many manifesting forms and throughout the cycles of the seasons of Her nature.
Our vision is to carry Her message of love, peace and acceptance out into the world as Her Priestesses and Priests, and to offer Her Path of Mystery to all those who want to find and know Her.
Our vision is to create and maintain a permanent contemporary Goddess Temple here in Glastonbury, within the boundaries of the Sacred Isle of Avalon. Our Temple is dedicated to the Lady of Avalon, who is Goddess here in this land.
The Goddess Temple is a sacred space open to all, which is especially set aside for the exploration and celebration of Goddess. It is a holy place where we can worship and honour Her in ways that are old and new and where all our love for Her is welcome.
Glastonbury Goddess Temple welcomes all Goddess-loving people, regardless of gender, ethnicity, race and culture. We recognise each individual as a Soul incarnate upon Her beautiful Planet Earth.
To Empower Women, Men, all Genders, all Races
Our vision is for women, men, children, all genders, all races to once again reclaim their true power as spiritual dreamers, thinkers and visionaries, and as community leaders.
We believe in the transformative power of Goddess spirituality to empower people to create new ways of being, thinking and feeling, so that we can heal ourselves, our relationships and our world.
Our vision is to honour the indigenous spiritual lineage of the Lady of Avalon as expressed here in Glastonbury, in all that we do, and all that we are. We celebrate Goddess and wish to uplift all voices silenced by patriarchy, whilst creating a safe and empowered space for all those who come to find the Goddess. We are committed to building inclusivity, with Goddess spirituality and feminism at our core, within our Temple, our Teachings and the creation of MotherWorld.
We welcome to our Temple all those who love Goddess or who want to find out more about Her. We believe in bringing visibility, harmony and acceptance to all regardless of ethnicity, racial identity, ability, gender, sexual orientation, age or background. We encourage all to stand out in their differences to be held by Goddess and in our community with love and support, to thrive as who we truly are, and to spread Her wisdom and kindness.
Our vision includes the creation of MotherWorld, the society where Mother Earth, mothers and the values of mothering and caring – love, nurture and support for each other – are placed in the centre of our lives, rather than being left out on the periphery.
Accessibility in Temple Venues
The Goddess Temple itself is on the first floor and is not accessible to wheelchair users as there is no elevator in the buildings we rent. The Nolava Room in Goddess House is now our second recognised Place of Worship and is accessible to wheelchair users. There are no accessible ground floor toilets in the House, but there are some public toilets just across the road in Magdalene Street. Goddess Hall has wheelchair access. We have one small room in Goddess House – the Red Room, which is for the exclusive use of bleeding women, as a place of retreat during menstruation.