Glastonbury Goddess Temple

Grounding and celebrating Morgen Moronoe, Mother of Earth

Glastonbury Goddess Temple

Celebrating Morgen Moronoe, Mother of Earth

Glastonbury Goddess Temple

Grounding and celebrating Morgen Moronoe, Mother of Earth

The Gateway to Goddess in Avalon

“THE GODDESS is alive in Glastonbury, visible for all to see in the shapes of the sacred landscape. She is soft as the rounded hills of Her body and sweet as the apple blossom that grows in Her orchards. Here Her love enfolds us every day and Her voice is always near, carried on the wind, whispering through the mists of Avalon. Her Mysteries are as deep as the Cauldron She stirs, taking us down into Her depths and lifting us up to Her heights. She is our Source, our Inspiration and our Love.”

– Kathy Jones

Commitments to Motherworld

The list below shows those people who have already recorded their commitment and have allowed us to show some of their details online.  We’ve put them into first name order.

Would you like to add your commitment? You can find more details here.




Adam England I am gathering people together in the Norfolk area to form a Goddess Temple  I again dedicate myself to the Lady of Avalon, as her Priest.
Alison England I am already living simply and respectfully on our beautiful mother earth. I am planning to devote my life more fully to giving and receiving fully from the heart and working with women to strengthen them so we can all work together more powerfully for ourselves and the earth.
Alyson England I commit to the Motherworld. I commit to celebrating the goddess. I commit, I commit, I commit.
Amy England Revere the great Triple Goddess in all I do. Respect her planet by being ecologically concious. Be kind, help those who need it. Practice the main festivals and full moon ritual in a respectful and loving way. Always follow the Wiccan rede, never send out anything I do not wish to get back 3 fold. Be a fount of knowledge whilst never evangelising, nobody comes to the Goddess unless they are called. Try to live a life of peace, truth, equality and simplicity,
Anastasia England I commit myself, my professional and personal time and energy working with men and boys. Providing support to male survivors of rape, circumcision, and violence. I work actively with both men and women who are homeless, are sex working and/or require support to heal their emotional and psychological wounds as well as working to aid Veterans. In this way I try my best to reflect the all-encompassing love of the Goddess to them as well as working to better the quality of life for those who are experiencing challenging times in their lives. I strive to contribute to the end of all violence including violence against non-human animals who suffer unnecessarily, supporting Vegan ideals, striving for animal liberation and abolition of practices grounded in animal cruelty. I do my best to respect our Earth and live an ecologically low impact life as holistically as is reasonably practicable.
Andrea Brazil I was already committed to the precepts of the Motherworld Vision. And now I join this group to strengthen this network of love and light. So here I reaffirm my commitment to the Great Mother to anchor this vision and be the living expression of this. Gratitude!
Angela USA I am committed to make the world around me a more peaceful, respectful place for all creatures of the Mother Earth.
Anique Australia I will speak the truth about what I observe as positive to the Mother world Values and name in strength and humility what I observe as not supportive of Motherworld Values. I will share the Motherworld Values with all I meet and devise workshops and other teaching tools to spread wisdom about the Motherworld. I will walk my path in the Motherworld Values and do all I can to bring this vision to ground in my lifetime. Blessed Be!!!!
Annick Belgium Last year I set up the Mannaz school. We are a community which supports the personal, educational and spiritual growth of Highly Sensitive adolescents in a safe, nurturing and sustainable environment.  We encourage self-responsibility, self-worth, self-respect, self-confidence, self-discipline and self-reflection.  We honour and protect Mother Nature and celebrate the Wheel of the Year.
Arimea Germany Since then, women have been intimately connected with Mother Earth, the elements, plants, and the cycles of the moon. I have taken on the wonderful task of making the divine-feminine energies available again to all women. Be blessed Moonpriest Arimea
Astra Louise UK I commit to supporting the MotherWorld vision. I commit to loving our Mother Earth and all of her humans, to living with respect, gentleness, kindness and truth in my heart. I will cherish and create with grattiude in all of the ways I can. I’ve stood fiercely for – will always stand fierecly for – mothers and mothering; the care of our young and our nature as sacred and necessary, our FIRST priority. I stand for the safety of our women and children, and the right to passages of birth, transformation, knowledge, and death. I will honour and assist the newborn as she joins this world, and the dying as they leave on the next stage of their journey. I will give love to our beautiful nature, trees, flowers, animals and pour this love into the world; to the Goddess. I will heal myself, my abused girl and woman, and my wounded past selves, travelling to my shadow places and my light. I will give healing to others, and wisdom as an elder. I write and channel words, commiting to inspiration, truth, freedom & joy!
Autumn England I commit myself to loving and supporting the vision, the people and the values of the Motherworld as described: My intention is to help bring the Motherworld into being in my thoughts, words and actions in the world. I support the Motherworld Vision. I commit to taking responsibility for my own emotional and mental wounding and for its healing. I commit myself to helping others see the values of the Motherworld vision.
Aya The Netherlands Compose, give and coordinate programs for personal growth and creativity with art forms, writing, guided meditations and often combined with and in nature.
Barbara Austria I commit myself to loving and supporting the vision, the people and the values of Motherworld as described:My intention is to help bring Motherworld into being in my thoughts, words and actions in the world. I support Motherworld Vision. I commit to taking responsibility for my own emotional and mental wounding and for its healing
Bee Wales I am actively involved in anti-fracking activities, since this is the greatest threat to our mother at the moment here in the UK and globally. I support the women in my community by holding moonlodges and Red Tent events. We support the new goddess temple in Ammanford and the goddess temple in Glastonbury with donations of money and time. I am planning to work pro bono as a legal adviser to people who are arrested and charged during peaceful demonstrations.
Beverly USA Take the time every day to be a figure of motherhood love to all I meet with a loving spirit, a gracious smile and a gentle voice.
Brenda USA I am committed and will continue to be committed to the Great Mother Earth as her Daughter, her vessel for which through me I will help this world and all who dwell here to be comfortable, safe, and whole. So Mote It Be!
Brian England Set up men’s group to co-create a community of men delighting in exploration of what it means to be in right relationship with other men and women, with our planet and the life we share it with. We will explore what it means to be loving, caring, protective, honouring men; true to ourselves, able to grow and embrace life; brave in the right ways: courageous and  compassionate. This journey will be grounded in earth based spirituality. Please see the Men and the Motherworld page in Facebook for more information; contributions to the page are welcome from all.
Carmen Paz Spain My Commitment with MotherWorld vision is complete because I feel it in my heart as the New Way of living in our Earth. And I bring this vision to my world taking responsibility about myself in all areas of my life and giving support to Women in the Healing Arts as Spiritual Mentor and Business Coach in order to help them to thrive in their business, while they become the Goddesses they are meant to be.
Celine England I commit myself to loving and supporting the vision, the people and the values of the Motherworld as describedMy intention is to help bring the Motherworld into being in my thoughts, words and actions in the world. I support the Motherworld Vision. I commit to taking responsibility for my own emotional and mental wounding and for its healing.
Charlie England To carry on with all the values, and to help to spread them to others, so it becomes second nature to all. BB
Cheryl England Promote knowledge and experience of the Divine Feminine through art and culture. Save wolves and honor the balance of nature. Grow and share organic food. Love the Goddess.
Christine UK I commit to finally find the courage to face my shadow work through daily meditations supported by the principles of the motherworld and to gently incorporate practices that honour the great mother into my daily life. By doing this I hope to give my children the experience of mothering every child should have and to respect the struggle of others through my work.
Claire England I’m a care home resident. I want everyone in it to get on cos we’ve all got to live together & it makes life easier. I write stories, try to make fantasy art & listen to music that calms me down & cheers me up.
Cornelia Ravenheart Sweden I will commit myself to love and support the vision, the people, the animals, the environment and the values of the Motherworld. I commit myself to tell about the Motherworld so that more people can take part and take responsibility for their own actions in life! Together with two friends we’ve started a Ceremony center. Mother Earth’s Ceremony Center, here we can share the values of the Motherworld and bring it out into the world even more! And I’m also helping animals through a foundation called WSPA.
Craig England I commit to working both practically and spiritually to manifesting the Mother World into our reality.
Dahlia USA I have made a conscious decision to allow for a guide and am directed by my Intuition. I am healing and have many unanswered questions about my family. I do not know my mother or father, I am estranged from my daughter. I have been through the hardships we fight to overcome. I have been fighting alone to overcome them. To transcend the pain of the patriarchy and rise with my sisters in grace and love. I thank you and pledge this vow of loyalty to you all.
Dan England I am endeavouring to bring my daughter into a world of wisdom, kindness and wonder. I am intending to surround her with a range of experiences that will encourage her to love our world and the people in it, through specific guided teaching and independent educational choices. We are beginning this journey together and I hope to bring The Motherworld’s values into our lives with every step we take. It is an honour to raise a daughter in this world and I intend to do so with care, love and peace.
Dana Scotland With my unconditional love encompassing all life forms and Mother Earth, I dedicate myself to fully honouring and practicing the vision of the Motherworld and through my prayer, ceremony, kindness and actions, I will strive to continually help make those visions blossom fully in to the world.
Debra England I offer my commitment to continue to learn about the motherworld and share my learning when appropriate, I commit myself to the love of the goddess and will endeavour to share that love to any human, animal or area of nature that needs it.
Dora Luz USA Mother World calls me to this place where aware people gather together for the good of all that belong to mother earth. Freedom and happiness-joy belong to all of us, and we must command these forces to empower us all. Because we deserve it. So, I’m planning to get rid of things that do not make me grow in all aspects, understand them and let it go in peace. Besides that, help others to understand their lives and be free of obstacles. And all together respect, honor, care our mother earth.
Edwina England we have started the facebook group “sisters of change”- inviting women to join to share petitions, activism, encouragement, empowerment, inspiration and hope in these changing times.
Eilidh England I commit myself to help create the Motherworld by: * Working to embody the values of the Motherworld in my speech and actions to the best of my ability * Persevering in my shadow work even when it is painful * Seeking a form of activism that advances the Motherworld while being sustainable in the reality of my circumstances as a disabled mother * Doing what I can to take care of Mother Earth globally and locally * Voting in elections for the candidate or party whose vision comes closest to the Motherworld.
Elizabeth United Kingdom I commit to support the shift to the ways of being, relating and service to others and the natural world which will enable the realised manifestation of the Motherworld vision for all of us and future generations.
Emma England I commit to the Motherworld vision as it has been described. It is my intention to support the manifestation through my mothering of my four children, by mindful care of my home, garden, allotment, community, countryside and wider environment. Also by honouring Motherearth and the Goddess in her many forms, healing myself and offering healing to others. To begin the journey now, in love and trust.
Emma England I commit to the Call of the Motherworld. I work towards peace and kindness to all living things. I will do all I can to help to heal our Mother Earth.
Evelyn Germany This is my commitment to all what Motherworld stands for. I myself try to establish this here in my homearea of franconia. love!
Fabiana USA I commit myself to loving and supporting the vision, the people and the values of the Motherworld as described: My intention is to help bring the Motherworld into being in my thoughts, words and actions in the world. I support the Motherworld Vision. I commit to taking responsibility for my own emotional and mental wounding and for its healing. I commit myself to the Goddess Mother since SHE is LOVE.
Florence France I would be honored to be part of the Motherworld. I am a water carrier and A healer with energy, stones and sound. I am working with the sacred feminine, I have been working for 10 years with Peruvians shamans with Pacha Mama. I transmet the rite of the womb. I protect all animals and the stones, trees and stars are my brothers and sisters . I believe it’s time for all woman to take their real place with love and compassion . It’s time to live with our heart and not with our fear . I would be very happy to be part of your soul family.
Francesca Italy I commit to MotherWorld, Mother Earth, and the values of nurturance, mothering, support, and care for self, people, animals, plants, and the Earth. I commit to justice, integrity, compassion, love and respect for all, serving Mother Earth, women, girls, and all people through my talents. I commit to contributing to shifting the world into MotherWorld. In Her, we all have our beings.
Gemma England I commit to taking responsibility for my emotions and mental wounds and for its healing. I commit myself to the loving and supporting the mother world vision.
Gillian England I have already tried to raise my 4 children with the aims of the Motherworld – I hope to encourage my 2 grandchildren, and any future ones, in the same way.
Glenys Australia I commit myself to loving and supporting the vision, the people and the values of MotherWorld as described. My intention is to help bring MotherWorld into being in my thoughts, words and actions in the world. I support the MotherWorld Vision. I commit to taking responsibility for my own emotional and mental wounding and for its healing.
Greer UK  I promise to work in service to others. This includes all beings living on Mother Earth to assist in ending all suffering. I promise to work for truth, love, peace, unity and justice as an energy healer, empath, mother, friend and good samaritan. I am grateful every day to create my reality aiding all light workers on mother earth, loving guides and ancestors and positive off worlders who assist me in my work. I am here. I am the daughter of the witches you tried to burn. Sovereign, free and working only from love and truth.
Heather England I commit to the vision of The Motherworld. In this, as in all things, I am Her Priestess. Blessings.
Hunter USA My commitment is to the Divine Mother, and the reciprocal relationship that begins within me, rooted in love and ever-new-joy, that is then carried outwardly, into the world, to benefit and serve others. Love over fear in all I dowith any twinkle of fear/anger, I can return to love through song, meditation, and prayer, to create a loving energy where fear/anger can’t exist. Commitment to giving time and love to all her beings, in nature, on the land, to honor the equal life-consciousness of other beings (one-legged, two-leggeds, wingeds, rivers, rocks, etc, meeting them with love and compassion. That my whole heart is focused on my limitlessness to bring peace everywhere I go. A-ho.
Ian UK I commit to enshrining these noble aims in my heart and Soul, Spirit and Mind. I will seek to back thos up with tangible Support wherever possible.
Ingvild Norway I commit myself to loving and supporting the vision, the people and the values of the Motherworld as described: My intention is to help bring the Motherworld into being in my thoughts, words and actions in the world. I support the Motherworld Vision. I commit to taking responsibility for my own emotional and mental wounding and for its healing. In my Women’s Academy I tell the story of the Goddess, in my books I tell the truth that has been hidden. In my life I live as true as I can and work with my shadows
Iona England My commitment is to embrace all the values of the Motherworld in my everyday dealings with people and in all my daily actions. I commit to being honest and fair with everyone I meet and accept people for who they are at all times. I fully and open heartedly welcome the Motherworld into my life.
Isabel USA For many years I have said that Mother is not only a noun but a verb. I have been saddened that so many women denigrate Motherhood and it’s role in society. They put their careers and happiness first and think their value as women comes with how much their paycheck is. I myself have held firm to my belief that being a mother was my choice and what made me happy and fulfilled. My identity did not come from being a mother. It came from having a “career” as a woman who was raising, nurturing, educating and loving two boys who are now healthy responsible men. One of my favorite pieces of literature is Kalil Gibran’s poem on Children, especially the line- Your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of Life’s longing for itself. They come through you but not from you. And though they are with you, yet they belong not to you. I knew my sons would grow up and move on and I was prepared for that day. I am so happy with what you are doing with your work on Motherworld and I would be honored to be even a small part of this work. Thank you
Jackie England Be a loving peaceful person within my soul and encourage this feeling in others.
Jade England I commit myself to supporting, loving, accepting and living the commitment to the Mother world and the goddess community. I commit to bringing mother world into my thoughts, actions, behaviours and speech. To live the values and to support the sisters who are also a part of Mother world. Any emotional or physical baggage I shall attempt to love, accept and get through in a way that is running in the line of Mother world and not use fatherly traits to demeaning others or myself. I take responsibility for my own energy, pain and suffering and will attempt to heal the world’s own energy pain and suffering through acceptance, love, care, devotion and equality in everything I do.
Jan Shetland To mother my mother and to love and nurture all that she has born upon this beautiful Earth.
Janetta England To support Mother Earth and mothers in whatever way I am able.
Jennifer USA I commit to supporting the vision of the Motherworld and doing my best each and every day to bringing it into being.
Jenny England To help others To look after the land To help others Love each other To help others to care for them self To help others to help each other
Jeremiah USA I commit to pray everyday, that the love of the Goddess be manifest, in and on our Mother Earth. I commit to believing that I am worthy enough to make a difference. I commit to bringing Motherworld to the attention of my Coven and my Church and work to help others make a commitment to this vision.
Jess Wales

Reading the MotherWorld vision is everything I’ve dreamt about and wished for the world since I was a little girl. I dedicate myself to living by the ways described.

To fully incorporate the MotherWorld values, first I will heal and actively grow from trauma and wounds so I may be the best example of Goddess Love embodied I can be. To incorporate Goddess fully into my life, living authentically. To raise my children (when I have them!) to be the best caring and loving accepting persons they can be. I am passionate about equality for all, including supporting my friends and family in the LGBTQIA+ communities and non binary, along with women and men in the striving of equality and compassion. To love, care and heal our beloved mother Earth, all her creatures, air, plants and waters. To fight against pollution and actions that harm Her. To actively grow my skills to helping and healing Earth, fellow human beings and our beautiful Mother Earth.

Jo England My intention is to help bring the Motherworld into being by focussing my thoughts towards the interconnectedness of all life supported by Mother Earth. To help promote awareness of the need for the return of the Sacred Feminine to create a culture of healing and harmony and to provide space where people can share in oneness.
Joanna Sweden To be a inspiring beacon for my community – to walk my talk and with my actions in life and through my work, show that it is possible to create and live in the Motherworld.
Joanne Germany I commit to supporting and spreading the Motherwold Vision through the Priestess of Holle Training in Germany, through my Goddess Artwork and through ceremonies, illustrated talks and workshops.
Jodi UK I fully commit to the greater good. I commit myself to the values of motherworld. My wish is to help people stay in their homes for as long as they can and help all who need it. I will nurture my own goddess energy to allow it to overflow in my community. Thank you
Jody USA I am commmited to a life dedicated to Goddess. I love making Goddess images and bringing them into the world. I believe in a world where Mothers, caregivers and Goddess are at the center, are valued and important, honored and respected. I want my daughter to grow up in a world where she is safe and respected. Where she knows the stories of Goddess. I am committed to the MotherWorld.
Johanna USA I commit myself to help the environment and people. I dedicate myself to the Goddess and her beautiful world.
Jonna Finland I commit myself to serve life! I commit to Mother Earth and to all of her creations. I commit to to protect life, freedom, equality and peace. I commit to do my very best in thoughts, words and actions to to give every living being a chance to live their lives fulfilling their highest good. I commit to be for things, not against. By workin for something we can send positive vibration to the task. I commit to take care of my self so a can serve others. I commit to take full responsibility over my thoughts, feelings, lifechoices and for my spiritual growth. I commit myself to the Goddess and to the highest form of love. I commit to act on such way that I can be a channel for Her love to every living being.
Joyce USA I stand with Motherworld in all that they stand for.
Julia Germany We call for the empowerment of women and girls, men and boys. We call for an end to all violence violence against women and girls, boys and men, including assault, rape, genital mutilation and circumcision, slavery, people trafficking, torture and war. We call for an end to intimidation and power-over aggression in all forms. We call for an end to the arms trade and the personal ownership of harmful weapons. We call for an end to hunger and starvation, poverty, homelessness and the ownership of the resources of the earth by the few at the expense of the many. We call for an end to all human and animal sacrifice for religious, political or social ideals. We call for an end to all forms of animal cruelty. We call for an end to all inequalities based on gender, race, sexual orientation, disability and age.
Julie England To do what I can, whenever I can whether large or small.
June England I commit to upholding the values of the Motherworld as described. To incorporate the values into my everyday life. To connect with others and to join in defending and promoting the values of the Motherworld.
Karin Germany I commit to live and express the love of the divine mother and the sacred father. My home shall be a place of peace and creativity and harmony. I commit to respect women, men, children, animals and plants – in my beloved black forest and everywhere on mother earth.
Kate England I agree with all that Motherworld stands for and commit my work to this end. Through Shamanic Healing, Community Healing, Community Fire Ceremony, Land Ritual, and through Training all those who feel called to connect with our local Mother Goddess Cuda and the spirits of place and water, to drop disconnection and surrender to the loving embrace of Mother Earth to bring about healing for all of her beings, to engage with the life-force and step into our true power in human form, in service to all that is.
Katherine USA To help restore what needs restoring with our women’s rights and to help build a better New Earth which is inclusive and fair to everyone.
Kaylee England

My commitments are
– to help others spiritually
– to connect to the earth and elements
– to be kind
– to give without expecting receiving
– to be one with nature and animals

My dream and visions have been to perform ceremonies, give spiritual guidance. These visions became clear when having the mother goddess treatment with yourselves. I feel the call to join onto the lady of Avalon course in the new year.

Kim Wales I commit myself to loving and supporting the vision, the people and the values of the Motherworld by seeking to promote the love, protection and nurturing aspects of the Goddess in my day to day life, and by taking responsibility for my deeds, words and actions. I wholeheartedly support the Motherworld vision and will work to live the highest ideals as I walk light-footed on this Earth.
Kristyne England I commit myself to loving and supporting the vision, the people and the values of the Motherworld as described. My intention is to help bring the Motherworld into being in my thoughts, words and actions in the world. I support the Motherworld vision. I commit to taking responsability for my own emotional and mental wounding and for its healing.
Laura Italy I commit to do my best and spend all my energies to  be a “brick of change”. I will work to bring the Motherworld values into my life first: in my thoughts and in my actions, in all aspects of my life. And to share them with others, by my example, in my priestess work and in my priestess trainings. I will promote Motherworld values in my country every time I have the opportunity.
Laura Italy I commit myself to exploring and remembering the Earth Goddess in the land where I was born, bringing out the Goddess from my hometown, hills, rivers, trees, caves, lakes and mountains. Mother Earth is my home and my body, so I commit myself to taking care of Her and of all her living being, animals and plants. I commit myself to supporting the Motherworld vision and to helping create a new society based on love, peace, understanding, inclusion, empathy, non-violence toward animals, people and plants. A society where the indigenous values, the Elders and the Ancestors are honoured and respected. A society where people stand and talk in circles, looking into each oter’s eyes, honouring their talents in service and cooperation. I commit myself to living a sacred life, in total integrity with my body, my emotions, my thoughts and my actions, to bring here the Motherworld.
Laura UK I commit myself to the Motherworld vision. My intention is to help manifest the Motherworld into being by my thoughts, words and actions in my daily life. As a Mother I commit myself to following a loving, peaceful path and I endeavour to help others do the same.
Lene Norway praying for peace each day, strive to see the good in everything and everyone, I eat only organic vegetarian/vegan food, none of the products I use have been tested on animals, and I try to be good and kind to everyone I meet.
Lesley England My commitment is to be brave enough to follow the values of my Mother’s heart.
Lily USA In my life as a midwife, I have always seen the Mother in all women, even before they birth. I embrace people who come into my life as family whether we share a home or not and hope to spread that love and embrace more fully. We need Motherworld as a life path more than ever and I offer myself as a vehicle for spreading the word! jai Ma!
Linda England I’ve had a tacit commitment to the Motherworld philosophy for most of my life without even realising it. I am 63yrs old. I live with ‘making a difference’ in the name of peace, harmony and ultimate love, for these are the only elements that will bring contentment to the human race.
Liron Israel I own the first and only pagan shop in Israel. I host a lot of women group in Israel and I built in my house a goddess temple and now I try to bring her energy here, this year I’ve started to do sacred journeys in Israel we do a lot of healing work in different places, there is so much to be done and I wish I had help. Sometimes it’s really hard because the people here are raised in such chaotic energy the media is just about war even. I commit myself to goddess! I commit to greater good! To feminine energy!
Lisa England I commit myself to loving and supporting the vision, the people and the values of the Motherworld as described: My intention is to help bring the Motherworld into being in my thoughts, words and actions in the world. I support the Motherworld Vision. I commit to taking responsibility for my own emotional and mental wounding and for its healing.
Liz England I believe with all my heart and mind that honouring and promoting the feminine is vital to the future of our world. I love mother earth and in taking vows as a priestess of Brigid I have promised to care for her and to bring the goddess into as many lives as possible.
Lori embrace people i meet, understand and not judge, learn and take the knowledge on
Lou Boo England To honour all mothering nurturing nourishing and healing. To honour the earth.
Maria Italy I devote my life to learning more about Goddess and give her a voice. I want to be able to reach those who need to meet her and help them on their path. I commit to live honouring the death aspect of Her and to dive deep into it to understand it thoroughly.
Maria Sweden I commit to all the values of Motherworld and agree in love.
Maria Sweden I commit myself to loving and supporting the vision, the people and the values of the Motherworld as described: My intention is to help bring the Motherworld into being in my thoughts, words and actions in the world. I support the Motherworld Vision. I commit to taking responsibility for my own emotional and mental wounding and for its healing.
Maria United Kingdom I commit to following the Motherworld Principles via my thoughts, actions and intentions.
Marion Brazil I believe in a diferent world, in a world where the values of sisterhoood and partnership are the most important ones. A world where the Goddess can live and inspire women and men to seek peace, love, creativity and equal opportunities for all humankind. I believe in the protection of Mother Earth and the values of mothering and nurturing ourselves through the balance between us and nature. My commitment is to work in myself the values of Motherworld in every aspect of my life and to share those ideals with my family, friends and my community.
Marisa Brazil Meu compromisso é fazer a revolução silenciosa pelo empoderamento feminino. Meu compromisso é mudar a realidade a partir da Educação pelo Amor em conformidade com a Cultura da Paz. Meu compromisso é com a Educação Cidadã e pela vida sustentável do planeta. Meu compromisso é com o trabalho com as mulheres, as primeiras educadoras. Meu compromisso é por quebrar a lógica do patriarcado, criando condições favoráveis para a implantação da sociedade de parceria. Meu compromisso é com o servir à Grande Mãe.
Mary England Listen to the goddess, talk to her and love her in all her creation
Matilde Argentina Me comprometo a amar y apoyar la visión, las personas y los valores de Motherworld tal como se describen. Mi intención es ayudar a que Motherworld exista en mis pensamientos, palabras y acciones en el mundo. Apoyo Motherworld Vision. Me comprometo a asumir la responsabilidad de mis propias heridas emocionales y mentales y de su curación.
Maya Italy I dedicate myself To co-create the MotherWorld in every way I can through the Goddess Temple of Rome and always collaborating with the Glastonbury Goddess Temple and my Avalonian family.
Mea Catherine USA I agree to honoring the MotherWorld Vision in my own life by creating the MotherWorld Village as part of the Be Kind Revolution ( This will be a space dedicated to educating and inspiring human and bringing them home to Self. The MotherWorld Village will offer trainings, workshops, retreats and events that teach humans the values as represented by the MotherWorld Vision. This Village will exist in Hawaii, USA, a land filled with Aloha and the sense of the Sacred remains. Thus is my commitment on this day in January 2020.
Melissa Australia To unite with likeminded hearts for the freedom and happiness of all beings for the highest good of all.
Melissa USA I commit to the Mother World movement.
Meredith Australia I commit to show love and compassion to all humanity, animals and the earth and to use my gifts for the betterment of humanity and the created world especially indigenous peoples. To tread lightly upon the earth and to live in harmonious relationship with all.
Miriam England I agree to learn listen and care to others. I agree to think deeply and be non judgemental to others. I agree to listen and build. I agree to following the teachers. I agree we need a motherworld.
Naomi England To be a beacon of love and light to my neighbours family and friends.To show respect to Mother Earth.
Nathalie The Netherlands I am already in to the awereness and live and send out the energie of the goddess, and not to forget i’m busy with writing down a course, it’s about finding the strong goddess in your self.
Olga Spain I am committed to care for Her animals, Her sacred forests and oceans. I am committed to be her weaver and priestess.
Olivia Wales I am commited to awakening Goddess consciousness wherever I can, caring for and loving Mother Earth and Her creatures, and positively empowering women, girls, men and boys in the celebration of life.
Olof I am planning to support the mothervision by by working locally here on the isle of Gotland for better treatment of the body of the Goddess and all her children. I also fight for equality between the sexes and the right to love whoever you want, regardless of sex. I start with my own healing and work outwards from there. I hope the Mothervision will be blessed and that many people  join in! Love from Olof!
Paola Italy Come donna , ostetrica , crone ..mi impegno a diffondere i valori madremondo in ogni occasione possibile e a studiarli sempre più dentro me stessa e con altre donne.
Paola Italy Onorare la Madre Terra come essere vivente. Amore reciproco, gentilezza, sostegno, rispetto, cura e compassione. onorare tutte le forme di maternità, onorare i padri e la celebrazione e l’educazione dei bambini e dei giovani. Proteggere e prendersi cura della terra, dell’acqua, del fuoco, dell’aria e dello spazio nel suo mondo. Onestà, integrità personale, autenticità, relazione, diversità, scelta, discernimento, inclusione, fiducia, bellezza, espressione emotiva, ascolto, confini chiari, riflessione, sviluppo dell’anima, empowerment, guarigione delle ombre, ricerca della saggezza, incoraggiamento dell’auto- responsabilità, autostima, rispetto di sé, fiducia in se stessi, autodisciplina e autoriflessione, preghiera, cerimonia, servizio, connessione, collaborazione, generosità, condivisione della ricchezza, dono, accoglienza, umorismo, creatività, educazione per tutti, non metodi violenti per risolvere i conflitti, onorare e proteggere Madre Natura e tutti gli esseri viventi, produzione etica di beni e servizi, protezione dei vulnerabili e valorizzazione della Saggezza degli Anziani e degli Antenati.
Paola Creare uno spazio di condivisione dei valori motherworld. Condividere amore e rispetto.
Pat Australia Mother Earth is the source of all being and living.  I intend to support her in every possible way.  I commit myself to the values of the Motherworld as described.
Paul B England Honouring my wife. Campaigning against GM foods. Promoting wholesome, unprocessed, foods. Promoting the love of the Goddess through example. Putting people before profits.
Paul L England I align myself with the principles outlined on the Motherworld website and observe them and carry out work on a practical level outside of my own interests and within my own activity according to these principles. I am very happy to asscociate myself with the aims and purpose of the Motherworld. Thanks!
Paulina Mi conpromiso es defender el derecho a vivir en paz de humanos, animales y vegetales de la tierra. Con su libertad y su autonomía. El derecho a la alegría y al amar. Contra cualquier tipo de esclavitud y opresión.
Pauline Scotland I commit to every part of the pledge as written on the Motherworld page. I will circulate the information at our Red Tent and other relevant places.
Penny England I strive to be a positive representative of modern paganism and witchcraft, within my family, friends and wider community. I volunteer as Scribe to the Norfolk Goddess Temple community project, and will do my best to support others as I grow.
Petra Germany I commit myself to loving and supporting the vision, the people and the values of Motherworld as described. My intention is to help bring Motherworld into being in my thoughts, words and actions in the world. I support Motherworld Vision. I commit to taking responsibility for my own emotional and mental wounding and for its healing.
Pia Sweden I will take care of Mother World in the best way I can❤️. No food waste, grow veggies and fruit and doing my best for the environment. I will also generously give Reiki , Love & Light to this beautiful world🙏☮️🙏
Rachel England I commit myself to loving and supporting the vision, the people and the values of the Motherworld as described: I bring the Motherworld into my life and my own Universe as a Mother. Being an example to my children, friends and family, and the wider community around me. Showing strength, healing and love is found in nurturing, supportive relationships. Bonding with others in circles of support and spiritual nourishment. Honouring the Mother of all; The Earth in seasonal celebrations and daily thanks.
Rebecca England I fully commit to the path of the Motherworld by supporting, inspiring, encouraging and creating with the ways of the goddess to guide me. I will offer my time, donations, service and hold space for a long standing womens circle I have founded in my area of the Midlands. I will always travel to Avalon in body and in spirit and endeavour to offer these same commitments to the heart chakra of the world.
Rhiannon England Appear on Internet TV programme called The People’s Voice which is aligned to the values of Motherworld. I am also a songwriter and musician performing material which aligns to the values of the Motherworld.
Richard UK I will try my best to honour all of the MotherWorld values.
Rita Wales I commit myself to loving and supporting the vision, the people and the values of the Motherworld as described: My intention is to help bring the Motherworld into being in my thoughts, words and actions in the world. I support the Motherworld Vision. I commit to taking responsibility for my own emotional and mental wounding and for its healing.  I endeavour to be a good person, loving and supporting human and animal kind. I would never support anything that contributes towards suffering on this Earth.
Rosa Spain Take care for the earth. Call in the Goddess, and ask Her to help us, to balance this planet.Fill my heart with Her presence and to make every day meditations Health for people and Mother earth.
Rosa Spain I commit myself to helping and loving all the values of Motherworld. I commit myself to teach through my experiences, that Motherworld is the way to be in peace and to give peace and love
Rose Englad I am doing small things at the moment helping to care for an elderly relative,  composting, picking up rubbish from the river bank, cultivating my allotment, signing online petitions… I plan to look out for bigger things that I could do.
Sally England I commit to and live by the values of the Motherworld.
Sami England I welcome Motherworld. I am ready and calling out for Motherworld. I feel the call for Motherworld in many forms and from many directions. I commit myself to loving and supporting the vision, the people and the values of Motherworld as described. My intention is to help bring Motherworld into being in my energy, thoughts, words and actions. With love, gratitude, open arms, cyclical creativity & receptivity, and wonderous joy.
Sandra England As a Woman who is a Mother, Grandmother and Great-grandmother. I shall pass on my knowledge and dedication to the Motherworld, to all I meet along my journey, who will seek to honour and protect our beautiful World.  I shall always cherish the gifts that the Motherworld  bestows upon me, and will never cease to be amazed at her never-ending  wonders.
Sandra England I commit, that I shall encourage my children grandchildren and great-grand-children. To honour and respect Mother Earth. To treat her with love and care, so that their future generations, will continue to receive all the beauties and gifts, which she shares freely.
Sara Italy I am very glad to be part of MotherWorld and I choose to submit its values. Wish we are all happy to create this new world.
Sarah England Creating art in “Her” honour…
Sarah USA I commit to educating people about and living by the virtues and tenants of the Motherworld. I promise to continue integrating them into my mundane and spiritual life and to impart these values to my children.
Sasha England I commit myself to loving and supporting the vision, the people and the values of the Motherworld and to bringing the Motherworld alive in my thoughts, words and actions on this earth. I support the Motherworld Vision with my mind, body and spirit. I promise to act with love and kindness and to view the earth and every being on it with the light of the Motherworld always. I commit to taking responsibility for my own emotional and mental wounding and for its healing.
Selisse USA Continue to find ways to share the Goddess with others.
Sharon USA I commit myself to loving and supporting the vision, the people and the values of the Motherworld as described: My intention is to help bring the Motherworld into being in my thoughts, words and actions in the world. I support the Motherworld Vision. I commit to taking responsibility for my own emotional and mental wounding and for its healing. To help create the Motherworld I am already doing the following: I create opportunities for women to heal, to learn and to grow.
Silvana Argentina Me comprometo a acompañar a otras mujeres a despertar a lo Sagrado Femenino generando en mi lugar de residencia círculos de mujeres que permitan el encuentro, la sanación, y el aprendizaje del respeto por nosotras y por la Madre Tierra, asumiendo que si las mujeres cambiamos el mundo cambia.
Silver UK I commit to this with absolute bliss! I truly feel it is the most positive way forward for all of Gaia’s children, and for Her very body we live as part of, with the Motherworld comes peace,equality and co existence, an ancient way in these modern times. for all!
Sophie England I commit myself to loving and supporting the vision, the people and the values of the Motherworld as described: My intention is to help bring the Motherworld into being in my thoughts, words and actions in the world. I support the Motherworld Vision. I commit to taking responsibility for my own emotional and mental wounding and for its healing.
Stephanie Switzerland I commit to hold the vision of the Mother World with every step I take. Blessed be our beautiful mother earth, every man, women and child, every animal and all elements. I hold the vision in my daily work as a priestess and our priestess school in Switzerland. May truth and love be spoken on every level. May we come together as one. I love you Lady, with all my heart. Blessed be
Stephanie USA I am and have always been committed to healing and protecting Mother Earth and all her wildlife; plants; waters; mountains and seas and to make the world a better place and help bring peace and harmony to those who walk Mother Earth.
Susanne Switzerland Sisters and ancestores in heaven and on earth, come together and sing the song of love. Do what you want as long as you won’t harm anybody else
Tanit Spain Serve the Mother Goddess, as her priestess and give my life to heal and deliver messages from the Goddess, to the world.
Teri UK I put my faith & trust in our Mother World & know she looks out for me as her daughter, so I too will help in all the ways I can, nurture, care for, respect, love, bring peace & kindness to our Earth ball & all living creatures & beings on it big & small, show compassion & continue to share the beauty of all that is Mother World, the Goddess. I am planning on joining the 3 year journey this year in Glastonbury to becoming a Priestess of Avalon & continue a life long commitment to all that is … love & peace
Tina USA I believe in Goddess Spirituality, which includes the practice of and enhancing further the feminine values of caring, mothering, respect for all life, creativity, personal growth, equality, and reverance for Mother Earth & Mother Nature.
Willow England My commitment to the Motherworld is that I hold Goddess Groups for people. We work on becoming more loving and peaceful and respectful of our Motherworld to make today and our future better for all the children, people, animals, plants and our lands.  Blessed Be.