Goddess Temples around the World
It’s great to see so many Goddess Temples opening up – we now know of quite a number, so have organised the list to make it easier for you to find what you’re looking for.
Want to add your temple? Contact us with details. We will check to ensure that your beliefs are broadly in line with our own and may need to come back to you for clarification.

Austria – Vienna
Our little Goddess Temple close to the center of Vienna opened at Beltane 2018. It is dedicated to Noreia, the Mother Goddess that was once worshipped by the Celtic tribes living in this land.

England – East Anglia
Here in East Anglia, the East Anglia Goddess Temple has been running since 2019 and is growing weekly. We work round the Wheel of Andraste – our beloved Goddess. Our Wheel holds a place for eight more Goddesses and in the Centre we dedicate to Boudicca, the Queen of the Iceni Tribe who challenged the Romans.

England – Kent
The Kent Goddess Group, The Sisters of the Sacred Spiral is a Woman’s group dedicated to celebrating Goddess and the Divine Feminine.

England – Nottingham
The Nottingham Goddess Temple lies in the Heart of England, at the current moment the Temple is a Pop-up Temple around each of the 8 seasonal dates, normally opening on the Saturday closest to the Sabbat.

England – Norfolk
The Norfolk Goddess Temple is a pop-up temple that holds open celebrations around the eight seasonal festivals, usually on a Sunday evening close to the date, and also offers workshops, talks and training.

England – Sheffield
Sheffield Goddess Temple opened at Imbolc 2014 and provides a sacred space for quiet contemplation every day except Sunday between 12.30-1.30pm. You can find us above Airy Fairy Shop and Café, 239 London Road, Sheffield S24NF.

Italy – Rome
The Goddess Temple Rome (Tempio della Grande Dea No-Profit) is dedicated to the Goddess Aphrodite and to the study of the Aphroditic and Avalonian Tradition. The Temple is a wonderful, welcoming and loving Sacred Place, permeated by the presence of Aphrodite, the Great Goddess of the Sea.

Italy – Turin
In June 2015, the Italian Goddess Temple of Turin, north Italy, was born. The Permanent Temple of Turin is dedicated to the Goddess Diana Ancient-Italic and Mediterranean Goddess, to the Lady of Avalon and her Priestesses Viviana and Morgana, to the Goddess Isis, powerful presence in the city of Turin and to the Mother Bear, primordial Lady of our Mountains.

Wales – Bala
The Goddess Temple of Bala/Teml Ceridwen Y Bala opened at Samhain 2019 and is currently open Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursday to Saturday from 10am to 4:00pm.
North America

USA – California
The Museum of Woman is the umbrella for our goddess artifact museum, the Queen Teachings for Women with Ava Park and also the Goddess Temple of Orange County, which is not a physical place now, but the women’s spiritual circle of The Museum of Woman.

USA – Oregon
The Goddess Temple of Ashland is located in the enchanted town of Ashland, Oregon. The temple has been generously supported and welcomed by the 30 acres of the Jackson Wellsprings Mineral Waters Spa, and it rests on ancient indigenous ceremonial healing and peace counsel grounds.