Glastonbury Goddess Temple

Grounding and celebrating Morgen Moronoe, Mother of Earth

Glastonbury Goddess Temple

Celebrating Morgen Moronoe, Mother of Earth

Glastonbury Goddess Temple

Grounding and celebrating Morgen Moronoe, Mother of Earth

The Gateway to Goddess in Avalon

“THE GODDESS is alive in Glastonbury, visible for all to see in the shapes of the sacred landscape. She is soft as the rounded hills of Her body and sweet as the apple blossom that grows in Her orchards. Here Her love enfolds us every day and Her voice is always near, carried on the wind, whispering through the mists of Avalon. Her Mysteries are as deep as the Cauldron She stirs, taking us down into Her depths and lifting us up to Her heights. She is our Source, our Inspiration and our Love.”

– Kathy Jones

Future Visions for our Temple

Temple logo
Temple logo

We are always expanding our creative vision to encompass new projects and dreams to manifest for our community and for Her world.

In the Goddess Temple we work with the powerful symbol of the Wheel, in which all things are interconnected and there is no beginning and no end, at the spinning centre of which is the Lady of Avalon, Goddess of the Land of Avalon.

As well as the Wheel of the Year we have our Goddess Temple Wheel of Expression, where each of the qualities of the Goddesses of the Wheel of Avalon are used as the basis for inspiration and creativity. Our Wheel of Expression is firmly rooted in the concepts and practice of MotherWorld.

The Goddess Temple Wheel of Expression

Goddess Temple Community Expansion Wheel

Brighde - Young People

Brighde is Maiden Goddess of Inspiration, Healing and Renewal

  • Birthing Sanctuary
  • Pre-Birth, Birth & Postnatal Support
  • Life Ceremonies for Young People
  • Goddess Education for Children & Young People, Healing
  • Weekly Healing in Goddess House
  • New Moon Healing
  • Goddess House Healing Therapies

Artha - Mother of Fire

Artha is Fire Goddess of Creativity, Exploration and Activation

  • Priestess Trainings
  • Skills Training
  • Social Media & Publicity for the Temple
  • Ceremonial Skills
  • Creative Circles
  • Rites of Passage

Rhiannon - Loving Relationships

Rhiannon is Goddess of Love, Beauty and Fertility

  • Blood Mysteries
  • Womens Circles
  • Mens Circles
  • Temple Culture: Art, Music, Dance, Performance &  Drama
  • Goddess Temple Weddings, Handfastings, Life Ceremonies

Domnu - Mother of Water

Domnu is Goddess of Flow, Connection, Communication & Expressing Emotion

  • Community Events & Away days
  • Emotional Healing & Breathwork
  • Inspiring Talks and Workshops, Orchard of Avalon
  • Life Ceremonies, Goddess Temple Experiences

Ker - Mothering & Fathering

  • Sacred Birth Keepers 
  • Rites of Passage for Mothers & Fathers
  • Mother focused Support and Events
  • Goddess Employment Opportunities
  • Employment Training Scheme
  • Grants & Funding
  • Gratitude & Abundance
  • Seasonal Celebrations
  • Goddess Temple Gifts
  • Life Ceremonies

Banbha - Mother of Earth

Banbha is Earth Goddess of Manifestation, Sustainability & Sovereignity

  • Ceremonies on the Land of Avalon
  • Goddess Embodiment Ceremonies
  • Environmental Projects
  • Community Projects
  • Goddess Exercise 
  • Goddess Temple Weaver Circles
  • Maintenance of the Goddess Temple
  • Permanent Goddess Temple on the Land
  • Goddess Hall
  • Goddess House
  • Rites of Passage

Keridwen - Older People

  • Goddess Temple Funerals
  • Honouring Community Elders 
  • Circle of the Wise, Counselling & Mediation Services
  • Mentoring & Support
  • Rites of Passage
  • Priestess in Action Charitable Services
  • Elderly Care, Goddess Old People’s Home
  • Aging, Dying, Releasing & Death Practices
  • Transformational Ceremonies
  • Life Ceremonies

Danu - Mother of Air

Danu is Goddess of Vision, Peace & Expansion

  • Community Spiritual Practice
  • Journeying to Avalon
  • Oracle of Avalon
  • Goddess Temple & MotherWorld Vision

The Wheel of Expression forms the basis of our vision for Goddess Temple Community Expansion.

Goddess Temple Community Expansion List