Our Temple is devoted to bringing Goddess alive in the world.
As a modern day Goddess-loving organisation and community based in Glastonbury, Somerset, we are dedicated to the development of a spirituality tradition rooted in the empowerment of women and men. We have been a registered place of worship since 2003.
News from the Temple
The Goddess Temple is open
The Goddess Temple is open every day between 12-4 pm. The Temple is located just off Glastonbury High Street. Find out more about visiting the Temple here!
Goddess Temple Madron Membership Scheme
Connect to Goddess and Avalon, wherever you are in the world!
Experience the Magic
In Glastonbury Assembly Rooms & out on the Sacred Land
Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th June 2025
Experience the Magic
In Glastonbury Assembly Rooms & out
on the Sacred Land
Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th June 2025
Read our Samhain 2024 Newsletter!
Goddess Temple News is lovingly created four times a year, at Imbolc, Beltane, Samhain and Lammas. Goddess Temple News is edited by Violet Yaga with contributions from other Temple Priestesses and Priests.
Priestessing/Priesting the Underworld
with Priestess Healers Sally Pullinger and Sophie Pullinger
Retrieving, Reclaiming and Reintegrating the Treasures Hidden Deep Within Your Soul
Start date: 18th/19th January 2025
In this Two-Year, Two Spiral course Priestesses Sally Pullinger and Sophie Pullinger offer you a way to work in your hidden places of wounding and pain to transform them into a resource of wisdom and resilience. Our places of darkness and suffering, when worked with consciously, are the foundation of our personal power.
Goddess Temple Imbolc Ceremonies
Join us for our next online seasonal ceremony, on Friday 31st January at 7.30pm GMT. At Imbolc we honour Bridie, Maiden Goddess, as she brings back to us the wisdom of the willow tree.
Our in-person Imbolc Ceremony will take place on Saturday 1 February, More information to follow…
Soul Healing
With Karin Persons
Intensive Healing Training CourseStarts 14/15/16 February 2025
Soul Healing is a subtle and powerful form of energetic healing, that works with the energies of the whole person, with the physical and energetic bodies, the emotions, thoughts, personality and soul, to help bring us back from the state of dis-ease to a state of ease and well-being.
with Priestess Artist and Sculptor Susie Quatermass
Starts 1st/2nd March 2025
Four weekends with Priestess Artist Susie Quatermass exploring and restoring the Muse to her rightful place within our creative lives.
We will be exploring meeting the Muse within and bringing the eternal language of the divine Feminine into our lives through making and creating our own art.
Silver Spiral
Star Priestess/Priest Training in Goddess-centred Astrology
with Maria Jones
Priestess of Avalon, Priestess Astrologer
Spiral One, Eight Weekends
Start Date 22nd/23rd March 2025
Alchemical Sacred Dance
Teacher Training Course
With Sally Bryant
Starts 31st March 2025
In this eight-month Teacher Training we will be entering the world of movement and dance, to explore the importance of movement and dance to our well-being and as a powerful healing tool and journey for the evolution of the soul. This journey of your soul’s dance embraces the exploration of the chakra dance, the dance of the four elements, Goddess archetypes and elementals.
Priestess of Avalon Tasters
with Kit Crowther
These new tasters offers participants a unique experience of Spiral One from the Priestess of Avalon Course, run through Glastonbury Goddess Temple Teachings. The course, founded and taught in year three by Kathy Jones, is an experiential journey towards becoming a Priestess or Priest of Avalon.
Click below for dates and more information
Montserrat Pilgrimage
Montserrat is known as the ‘sacred mountain’ – a magical Otherworldly place located in the heart of Catalonia, Spain. It is a sacred site steeped in mysticism and has drawn millions of pilgrims for centuries.
During this pilgrimage we will be connecting deeply to the energies of the Black Madonna, and to the Great Mother Goddess. We will be exploring magical places, walking the ancient land, meditating, offering ceremony and opening ourselves up to receive divine wisdom and inspiration.
Priestess/Priest of Gaia Training
with Patricia Sutherland
Two Spiral Training
Start date: 18th/19th October 2025
In this Two Spiral, Two Year training we will be entering Gaia’s womb, reclaiming that which we have forgotten or lost by connecting and working with Her energies. We will walk Her land as our ancestors once did following her trackways, ley lines and waters to discover Her wisdom and what She holds for us.
Priestess of Avalon Training
with Kit Crowther, Patricia Sutherland and Kathy Jones
Start date: 1st/2nd November 2025
Goddess is returning to our awareness. She is once again being recognised as Divine Source and Great Mother of All. Many women and some men are beginning to re-member and re-claim an ancient path of devotion and service to Goddess. Communities and Temples of Goddess are being built anew in Her world, allowing people to come together to learn who Goddess is, to celebrate Her, to recreate Her Sacred Sanctuaries and to experience Her wonderful loving nature.
Roots and Wings
Roots and Wings is a children’s alternative education project that is based in Glastonbury and is part of the Goddess Temple. We are a group of parents, educators and visionaries who are passionate about creating New Earth and MotherWorld education! As the world is transforming and more people are awakening, we feel that we are all being asked to step up and co-create the future we dream of. For us this starts with how we bring our children into the world and importantly how we educate them.