USA – California

North America

USA – California

The GODDESS TEMPLE of Orange County

17905 Sky Park Circle, #A   Irvine, CA 92614  
toll free (within USA): 1-877-N-TEMPLE

The Goddess Temple of Orange County is a temple for women of all faiths dedicated to honoring the Sacred Feminine. Located near John Wayne Airport at 17905 Sky Park Circle in the city of Irvine, California, USA.

The Goddess Temple of Orange County’s vision and mission:

“The Goddess Temple of Orange County powerfully, magically holds this vision for the world: that women worldwide are joyfully reclaiming their ancient natural spiritual authority and powers through service to and reverence for The Sacred Feminine, thus restoring kindness, peace and prosperity to humanity and balance with our relations with Mother Earth for the good of all.”

“It is the mission of The Goddess Temple of Orange County to provide a prosperous, harmonious, beautiful and safe physical location, with a powerful, congruent energetic field, through which women, local and worldwide, can compassionately connect to help each other manifest the vision for the good of all.”

The Temple offers two Sunday worship services for women. At our first morning service, “Priestess Wisdom, Peace & Power” Ritual (9:30 am – 10:15am), we work to transform hurtful tribal beliefs. Each month this service focuses on a new series topic connecting everyday life experience with the spiritual.

Our main Sunday worship services (11am -12:30pm) start with drumming and dancing, include candle lighting, often a guest priestess with an amazing message, goddess culture and education, Jewel of the Lineage (honoring a great woman leader from history to the present), Medicine Woman Herb, Animal Totem, Women’s World Healing Prayers, Spiritual Weather Report (astrology) and much more. Always different … always wonderful … always spontaneous flowing of spiritual energy and power!

The Temple is also open to women for personal work and prayers to the Goddess on Wednesday – Friday 12pm – 7pm; Saturday 12pm – 5pm; and Sunday 9am – 2pm.

In addition to the women’s spiritual services, the TEMPLE has special events and selected classes where gentlemen are warmly welcomed. See our calendar at for full details of events and classes throughout the year.

For more information about The GODDESS TEMPLE of Orange County, go to our website, or contact the Director at