Glastonbury Goddess Temple

Grounding and celebrating Morgen Moronoe, Mother of Earth

Glastonbury Goddess Temple

Celebrating Morgen Moronoe, Mother of Earth

Glastonbury Goddess Temple

Grounding and celebrating Morgen Moronoe, Mother of Earth

The Gateway to Goddess in Avalon

“THE GODDESS is alive in Glastonbury, visible for all to see in the shapes of the sacred landscape. She is soft as the rounded hills of Her body and sweet as the apple blossom that grows in Her orchards. Here Her love enfolds us every day and Her voice is always near, carried on the wind, whispering through the mists of Avalon. Her Mysteries are as deep as the Cauldron She stirs, taking us down into Her depths and lifting us up to Her heights. She is our Source, our Inspiration and our Love.”

– Kathy Jones

Soul Healing

Intensive Healing Training Course 2025

with Karin Persons

Starts 14/15/16 February 2025

Soul Healing is a subtle and powerful form of energetic healing, that works with the energies of the whole person, with the physical and energetic bodies, the emotions, thoughts, personality and soul, to help bring us back from the state of dis-ease to a state of ease and well-being.

The word Healing is used in the sense of ‘making whole’, of redressing imbalances that have built up in the emotions, mind and body. Soul is that part of us which is eternal, invisible, spiritual and filled with universal love, which connects us to each other, to the divine and all life.

Soul Healers recognize the presence of the Soul within themselves and in all other people, learning how to call these powerful transforming energies in to heal themselves and their patients. These are esoteric skills that can only be learned through practice and experience. This is knowledge which cannot be acquired from a book, but which is only learned through the application of the principles of energetic healing. It is knowledge that in the past was hidden, because it was believed to be powerful and life-changing. It is now being made available to those who wish to heal and deepen their healing skills.