Glastonbury Goddess Temple

Honouring Mystress Glitonea, Morgen of Lammas – a Time of Abundance and Gratitude

Glastonbury Goddess Temple

Honouring Mystress Glitonea, Morgen of Lammas

Glastonbury Goddess Temple

Honouring Mystress Glitonea, Morgen of Lammas

Empowerment of the Crone

with Kathy Jones

Within our societies the Crone as Woman, as Archetype and as Divinity, is almost completely ignored. As woman the Crone is invisible, grey-haired, wrinkled and old, easily dismissed as we walk past her in the street. Yet Cronehood is women’s time of greatest Wisdom in Life, for we have lived through time. We have loved and lost. We have succeeded and failed. We have descended into the depths and risen to the heights. We have grown as human beings. We have experienced life with all its variety and wonder and we have perspective.

Cronehood is a consequence of physical aging and also a state of consciousness which encompasses the experience of having lived long on the earth. Crones hold many personal and collective memories and a wealth of wisdom gleaned from living life. We have a perspective on the meaning of emotions and thoughts, on the passage of time and the cycles of life, including conception, birth, growth, development, blossoming, fruitfulness, maturity, harvest, aging and death. This wisdom is often unspoken and unshared.

Over these five weekends we will explore the true Nature of the Crone, the Grand Mother, She who is the fourth face of Goddess in the cycle of Maiden, Lover, Mother and Crone, She who leads us into death and the return to Goddess. We will consider the experience of becoming Crones in our lives. We shall share our knowledge and wisdom, seeking and finding the Empowerment of the Crone.

Starts 5th/6th October 2024

Image above: Samhain Crow Woman © by Wendy Andrew