Goddess Pilgrimages

A pilgrim is someone who sees life as a sacred journey, who sees the earth as a sacred home, who sees the universe as a process… We make the outer journey in order to make an inner journey. The inner landscape is shaped by the outer landscape and vice versa. Therefore, by making an journey to a holy place, we are moved to explore our inner landscape and make our journey to the inner source within.

Wise words by the inspiring Satish Kumar who in the 60s walked from India the four corners of the nuclear world – Moscow, Paris, London and Washington.

Sacred pilgrimages are journeys of the soul, bringing us in deeper connection with ourselves and the divine. Journeying intentionally to these sacred places can bring healing into our hearts. They can awaken our soul, and help us to remember who we are, and who we once were before.

Join us on one:

Sardinia Pilgrimage – 17 – 22 April 2024

With Italian Priestesses Sarah Perini and Sonia Desiderio.

This will be a beautiful six day pilgrimage to the sacred Isle of Sardinia. We will visit many wonderful sites, including: Su Crucifissu Mannu, Anghelu Ruju, Monte d’Accoddi, Tamuli. San Leonardo Siete Fuentes, Tula. Valledoria thermal baths, S. Stefano Rock Altar, Oschiri. Well of S.Cristina, Paulilatino. Palmavera Nuragic Village, S.Andrea Priu, Bonorva and the Goddess Temple of Sardinia.



Delphi Pilgrimage 16 – 21 May 2024

With Iona Jones and Kyah May

Journey with us on this magnificent pilgrimage to the home of the Oracle of Delphi. In this six day pilgrimage we will journey to some of the most sacred places of the Goddess in Ancient Greece. We will follow ancient pathways from Athens to the site where the Oracle of Delphi had a home for nearly 2000 years. We will walk on Her sacred land making prayers and offerings, doing ceremony, sharing and opening our hearts to receive the love and wisdom of Goddess.

Egypt Pilgrimage February / March 2025

With Anna di Iberia (Dr Anna Osann)

This is an eight day Sacred Journey will take us from the Deep South in Nubia to the Other – and Outer – worldly landscape of the Giza plateau, all along the Sacred River Nile, the lifeline of old and modern Egypt. We connect with our deepest core and our galactic origins, thus enabling the unfolding of our highest potential, our Goddess Self. This will be a deep journey where we will connect to the ancient Egyptian Goddesses and Gods… the Nubian Earth Mother, Hathor, Nefertiti, Isis, Sekhmet, Saqqara, Amun-Ra/Ramses, Osiris and more!

Mysteries of Avalon Pilgrimage – Anytime

This is a a five day deep immersion into the energies of the Lady of Avalon, Goddess of the Sacred Isle. Here you will be guided into Her magical realm where you can connect to Her energies and receive Her gifts of love, healing and inspiration. This will be a deep journey which will weave together ceremony, meditation, blessings, bodywork/healing sessions, Soul Light Reading, and walks on the land. We will walk the sacred isle, visiting the sites of the Tor, the White Spring, Chalice Well, Bushy Coombe, Wyrall Hill, Bride’s Mound, the Goddess Temple, the Magdalene Chapel and the Abbey. One and two day pilgrimages also available.

Stonehenge, Avebury, Stanton Drew, Stoney Littleton – Anytime

Day pilgrimages to these incredible sacred sites. Get in touch for more information!