Glastonbury Goddess Temple

Honouring Morgen Tyronoe of Avalon: the breath in all that lives 

Glastonbury Goddess Temple

Honouring Morgen Tyronoe of Avalon: the breath in all that lives

Glastonbury Goddess Temple

Honouring Morgen Tyronoe of Avalon: the breath in all that lives

The Gateway to Goddess in Avalon

“THE GODDESS is alive in Glastonbury, visible for all to see in the shapes of the sacred landscape. She is soft as the rounded hills of Her body and sweet as the apple blossom that grows in Her orchards. Here Her love enfolds us every day and Her voice is always near, carried on the wind, whispering through the mists of Avalon. Her Mysteries are as deep as the Cauldron She stirs, taking us down into Her depths and lifting us up to Her heights. She is our Source, our Inspiration and our Love.”

– Kathy Jones

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  2. Access to the material in Madron area is dependent on your paid subscription being active. 
  3. Membership fees are per person; the material may not be shared with others outside the membership.
  4. All course material is copyright and may not be used or replicated in any way without written permission from the Glastonbury Goddess Temple.
  5. We reserve the right to cancel your membership at any time, due to for instance, missed payments.
  6. Air Madrons can claim their 20% discount on any of our online-only courses, please note that this does NOT apply to Priestess trainings or correspondence courses from Goddess Temple Teachings.