Glastonbury Goddess Temple

Grounding and celebrating Morgen Moronoe, Mother of Earth

Glastonbury Goddess Temple

Celebrating Morgen Moronoe, Mother of Earth

Glastonbury Goddess Temple

Grounding and celebrating Morgen Moronoe, Mother of Earth

The Gateway to Goddess in Avalon

“THE GODDESS is alive in Glastonbury, visible for all to see in the shapes of the sacred landscape. She is soft as the rounded hills of Her body and sweet as the apple blossom that grows in Her orchards. Here Her love enfolds us every day and Her voice is always near, carried on the wind, whispering through the mists of Avalon. Her Mysteries are as deep as the Cauldron She stirs, taking us down into Her depths and lifting us up to Her heights. She is our Source, our Inspiration and our Love.”

– Kathy Jones

Marion Brigantia

 1. When did you dedicate as a Priestess or Priest of Avalon?

I dedicated as a Priestess in The Netherlands in 2005 – Priestess of Brighde in 2006 and Priestess of Avalon in 2013.

2. Can you describe a little of your journey to Goddess and to coming to train here in Avalon?

I first picked up a brochure of The Goddess Conference in the Healing Fields at Glastonbury Festival in 2002 and knew immediately that I wanted to go. In 2003 I came to the Morgen Conference and came home to Avalon. I trained in The Netherlands to become a Priestess and connected with the Dutch Goddess Temple and with a year I was co-organising the Dutch Goddess Conference and later started the Brighde Retreat in The Netherlands and started to train Priestesses through the Dutch Goddess Temple. I moved to Glastonbury in 2009 after my marriage sadly was no longer working. I had met my partner, Alastair in Glastonbury, and Avalon called my Priestess soul. At first I didn’t think I needed to become a Priestess of Avalon, but the Land ‘told’ me differently and in 2013 I initiated as Priestess of Avalon.

3. In your daily life, what does being a Priestess or Priest of the Goddess mean to you?

I devote my time and my work to serving Goddess and all those who are looking to connect with Her. I serve Her through training Priestesses and Priests of Brighde-Brigantia, by co-organising The Goddess Conference in Glastonbury and by guiding people from all over the world on the sacred Land!

4. How does working with the energies of the Lady of Avalon impact your life?

It impacts my life every moment, I work with the Lady of Avalon and Her Land, the Morgens and all elemental energies of this sacred Isle. The Lady inspires me and calls me to create and dream in ways to help others to connect with Her, with Goddess!

 5. In what ways do you serve now in the Glastonbury Goddess Temple community?

I serve in the Goddess Temple as Temple Melissa, healer and oracle card reader in Goddess House, I am part of the Temple Resolution team, I help changing the Goddess Hall when I can, I am part of the Temple Weavers, I help design the Temple training leaflets and posters, I help with the Melissa training when I can, I help with the Goddess Experience weeks and of course I teach the Priest/ess of Brighde-Brigantia training and co-organise The Goddess Conference.

 6. What do you think makes our Goddess Temple community so special?

Avalon is a unique place and a wonderful space to come and (re)connect with Goddess any time in our/my journey. The Goddess Community holds the places where this is possible for ourselves as well as for all those who come here as Pilgrims. We are in service – holding all those places where Goddess can be experienced on the outside – like The Goddess Temple, The Goddess Conference, Seasonal Ceremonies, Trainings, The Goddess House, The Goddess Gifts shop etc. so to connect on the inside. The fact that we all do this in service to Goddess and to bring Her out in world, is what makes it so special!