Glastonbury Goddess Temple

Grounding and celebrating Morgen Moronoe, Mother of Earth

Glastonbury Goddess Temple

Celebrating Morgen Moronoe, Mother of Earth

Glastonbury Goddess Temple

Grounding and celebrating Morgen Moronoe, Mother of Earth

The Gateway to Goddess in Avalon

“THE GODDESS is alive in Glastonbury, visible for all to see in the shapes of the sacred landscape. She is soft as the rounded hills of Her body and sweet as the apple blossom that grows in Her orchards. Here Her love enfolds us every day and Her voice is always near, carried on the wind, whispering through the mists of Avalon. Her Mysteries are as deep as the Cauldron She stirs, taking us down into Her depths and lifting us up to Her heights. She is our Source, our Inspiration and our Love.”

– Kathy Jones

Ceremonial Practice in the Goddess Temple

Seasonal Ceremonies

In the Goddess Temple we work with the Sacred Wheel of Bridannia/Britannia where the changing face of the Goddess is honoured at eight seasonal festivals spaced at equal points throughout the year. These are the Solar festivals to mark the passage of the Sun (Spring and Autumn Equinoxes and Summer and Winter Solstices) and the cross-quarter points, which are ancient Celtic festivals: Imbolc (on or around 1st February), Beltane (1st May), Lammas (1st August) and Samhain (31st October).

Each season, we hold public seasonal ceremonies in which we connect with the Goddess of the season and explore Her gifts to us. Our ceremonies are full of dance, song and prayer and are open to all! Our seasonal ceremonies are often held in the Goddess Hall on Benedict Street, Glastonbury.

From Imbolc 2019 we are holding our seasonal ceremonies out on the sacred landscape of Avalon, and each ceremony is especially dedicated to working with the Sisterhood of the Nine Morgens of Avalon, and the Morgen of that season.

Samhain Priestesses by Bee Helygen
Yule Priestesses by Bee Helygen

Seasonal Goddess Embodiment Ceremonies

In one of our seasonal Embodiment evenings, come and receive messages from Goddess as She is embodied by Her Priestesses. The practice of offering embodiments of Goddess forms a core part of the Priestess of Avalon training offered by the Glastonbury Goddess Temple. 

The next seasonal embodiment evening will be on 19th July 2019, 7-9 pm in the Goddess Temple.

These ceremonial evenings are offered by donation and are organised by Priestess of Avalon, Mandy Kay. 

Public Ceremonies in Goddess House

In the Goddess House, different Priestesses offer ceremonies on the last Friday of every month. 

The ceremonies depend on the special gifts and trainings that the Priestess offering the ceremony has received, and have in the past included: Cord-Cutting ceremonies, Despacho ceremonies, Womb blessings, Sacred Sound journeys, and many more.

These ceremonies are limited to a small group and cost £15/£10 in advance to attend. Check our Temple Event Calendar for more information.

Goddess House Sound Healing Ceremony

Ceremonial Healing in Goddess House

Goddess House Healing

Every Thursday in Goddess House from 1-4pm, Priestess healers offer Goddess healing by donation, for the public.

Private Ceremonies for Individuals & Groups

Our Priestesses and Priests conduct private ceremonies, healings and blessings for individuals and groups, by prior arrangement, in the Goddess Temple and the Goddess House.

For more information, please visit the pages below.

Temple Altar by Kathy Jones