Become a Fire Madron

Use the sign up form below to become a Fire Madron of the Glastonbury Goddess Temple.

We are so looking forward to welcoming you!

Terms & Conditions

  1. You can cancel your subscription to the Madron scheme at any time. You will not be charged again for future months but we cannot offer a refund. for any payments that have already been taken. 
  2. Access to the material in Madron area is dependent on your paid subscription being active. 
  3. Membership fees are per person; the material may not be shared with others outside the membership.
  4. All course material is copyright and may not be used or replicated in any way without written permission from the Glastonbury Goddess Temple.
  5. We reserve the right to cancel your membership at any time, due to for instance, missed payments.

Visit the Main Madron Page