Goddess Empowerment Ceremony

Goddess Empowerment Ceremony A beautiful ceremony to release old blocks and patterns that no longer serve you, moving towards reclaiming your energy and light with the loving power of Goddess to support you in visioning your future well-being. Ceremony Duration: 1...

Goddess Oracle Ceremony

Goddess Oracle Ceremony In this beautiful ceremony, meet the Oracle of the Goddess, bring your important life questions to Her and receive your personal messages from Goddess at this time. A Priestess will welcome your group and will offer elemental blessings with the...

Goddess Embodiment Ceremony

Goddess Embodiment Ceremony In this powerful ceremony, you will meet Goddess as She is embodied by Her Priestess. Upon arrival you will be welcomed to the Goddess House or the Goddess Temple by a Priestess who will offer you a group elemental blessing with the...

Guided Meditation

Guided meditation to meet the Goddess of the Season  This is the perfect short introduction to the energies of Goddess and Avalon, perfect for groups with a busy schedule or for those who just have a short time to visit Glastonbury. Upon arrival at Goddess House, you...

House Group Ceremonies

Goddess House Group Ceremonies We offer a range of private group ceremonies in the saced setting of Glastonbury Goddess House, our Healing Temple and Education Centre. These ceremonies are offered by our dedicated Priestesses and Priests of Avalon and Priestess...

Temple Group Ceremonies

Goddess Temple Group Ceremonies We offer a range of private group ceremonies in Glastonbury Goddess Temple, offered by our dedicated Priestesses and Priests of Avalon. To find out more, make an enquiry with us or visit the ceremony pages below. Make an initial...