Glastonbury Goddess Temple

Honouring Mystress Glitonea, Morgen of Lammas – a Time of Abundance and Gratitude

Glastonbury Goddess Temple

Honouring Mystress Glitonea, Morgen of Lammas

Glastonbury Goddess Temple

Honouring Mystress Glitonea, Morgen of Lammas

Goddess Oracle Ceremony

In this beautiful ceremony, meet the Oracle of the Goddess, bring your important life questions to Her and receive your personal messages from Goddess at this time. A Priestess will welcome your group and will offer elemental blessings with the elements of Air, Fire, Water and Earth. You will then be led on a guided meditation to deepen and drop into sacred space, and to prepare to meet the Oracle by finding the questions that your soul seeks an answer to at this time. This will be followed by individual meetings with the Oracle of Goddess, to receive Her messages.

Ceremony Duration: 1 hour 30 min – 2 hours

Location: Goddess House

To find out more and receive a quote for your group, please enquire below.