Welcome to Avalon Ceremony
This Group Ceremony includes private access to Glastonbury Goddess Temple for your group.
This is our largest and most intricate group ceremony – involving a large ceremonial team of Priestesses and Priests of Avalon!
In the beautiful setting of the Goddess Temple or Goddess Hall (depending on group size) you will be guided on a journey to Avalon, to meet the Goddess who dwells there and receive Her welcome. Upon arrival, your group will receive elemental blessings with the elements of Earth, Air, Fire and Water. The Wheel of Avalon will be invoked and you will be guided on a journey to Avalon, where the ferryman takes you across the waters of the Lake to the Sacred Isle. Accompanied by sacred sounds and song, your group will meet an embodiment of the Lady of Avalon and receive Her individual blessings for you all.
Cushions and blankets are provided for your comfort. You will gently be brought back from the meditation into the Temple space, where you will have the opportunity to share your experiences in circle.
Ceremony Duration: 1 hour 30 min – 2 hr 30 min (dependent on the size of your group)
Location: Goddess Temple or Goddess Hall
To find out more and receive a quote for your group, please enquire below.