Glastonbury Goddess Temple

Honouring Mystress Glitonea, Morgen of Lammas – a Time of Abundance and Gratitude

Glastonbury Goddess Temple

Honouring Mystress Glitonea, Morgen of Lammas

Glastonbury Goddess Temple

Honouring Mystress Glitonea, Morgen of Lammas

USA – California

USA – California

USA – California The GODDESS TEMPLE of Orange County 17905 Sky Park Circle, #A   Irvine, CA 92614   toll free (within USA): 1-877-N-TEMPLE The Goddess Temple of Orange County is a temple for women of all faiths dedicated to honoring the Sacred Feminine. Located...
USA – Oregon

USA – Oregon

The Goddess Temple of Ashland is located in the enchanted town of Ashland,  Oregon.  The temple has been generously supported and welcomed by the 30 acres of the Jackson Wellsprings Mineral Waters Spa, and it rests on ancient indigenous ceremonial healing and peace...