Glastonbury Goddess Temple

Honouring Mystress Glitonea, Morgen of Lammas – a Time of Abundance and Gratitude

Glastonbury Goddess Temple

Honouring Mystress Glitonea, Morgen of Lammas

Glastonbury Goddess Temple

Honouring Mystress Glitonea, Morgen of Lammas

Our Temple is devoted to bringing Goddess alive in the world.
As a modern day Goddess-loving organisation and community based in Glastonbury, Somerset, we are dedicated to the development of a spirituality tradition rooted in the empowerment of women and men. We have been a registered place of worship since 2003.

News from the Temple

The Goddess Temple is open

The Goddess Temple is open every day between 12-4 pm. The Temple is located just off Glastonbury High Street. Find out more about visiting the Temple here!

Goddess Temple Madron Membership Scheme

Connect to Goddess and Avalon, wherever you are in the world!

Priestess/Priest of Gaia Training

Priestess/Priest of Gaia Training

Priestess/Priest of Gaia Training

with Patricia Sutherland>

Start date: 5th/6th October 2024>

In this Two Spiral, Two Year training we will be entering Gaia’s womb, reclaiming that which we have forgotten or lost by connecting and working with Her energies.

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Priestessing/Priesting the Underworld

Priestessing/Priesting the Underworld

Priestessing/Priesting the Underworld

with Priestess Healers Sally Pullinger and Sophie Pullinger

Retrieving, Reclaiming and Reintegrating the Treasures Hidden Deep Within Your Soul

Start date: 18th/19th January 2025

In this Two-Year, Two Spiral course Priestesses Sally Pullinger and Sophie Pullinger offer you a way to work in your hidden places of wounding and pain to transform them into a resource of wisdom and resilience. Our places of darkness and suffering, when worked with consciously, are the foundation of our personal power.

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Soul Healing

Soul Healing

Soul Healing

With Karin Persons

Intensive Healing Training Course

Starts 14/15/16 February 2025

Soul Healing is a subtle and powerful form of energetic healing, that works with the energies of the whole person, with the physical and energetic bodies, the emotions, thoughts, personality and soul, to help bring us back from the state of dis-ease to a state of ease and well-being.

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Priestess of Avalon Training

Priestess of Avalon Training

Priestess and Priest of Avalon Training

with Kit Crowther, Luna Silver and Kathy Jones

Start date: 26th/27th October 2024

In ancient times the role of a Priestess or Priest of the Goddess was recognized as a Sacred Calling, a life lived in service to Goddess within one of Her Sacred Temples, found all around the world in many different cultures. The majority of those Goddess Temples were destroyed when patriarchal forces took over the world thousands of years ago.

Thankfully Goddess is returning to our awareness. She is once again being recognised as Divine Source and Great Mother of All. Many women and some men are beginning to re-member and re-claim an ancient path of devotion and service to Goddess. Communities and Temples of Goddess are being built anew in Her world, allowing people to come together to learn who Goddess is, to celebrate Her, to recreate Her Sacred Sanctuaries and to experience Her wonderful loving nature.

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Alchemical Sacred Dance

Alchemical Sacred Dance

Alchemical Sacred Dance of Transformation

Teacher Training Course

With Sally Bryant

Starts 31st March 2025

In this eight-month Teacher Training we will be entering the world of movement and dance, to explore the importance of movement and dance to our well-being and as a powerful healing tool and journey for the evolution of the soul. This journey of your soul’s dance embraces the exploration of the chakra dance, the dance of the four elements, Goddess archetypes and elementals. We will explore and learn different dance modalities including Pilates movements, improvisation and breathwork. We will explore meditation, dancing the elements, relaxation and presence as well as the importance of warming up, cooling down, dance and movement safety and the skills needed to teach dance to others.

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Roots and Wings

Roots and Wings

Roots and Wings

Roots and Wings is a children’s alternative education project that is based in Glastonbury and is part of the Goddess Temple. We are a group of parents, educators and visionaries who are passionate about creating New Earth and MotherWorld education! As the world is transforming and more people are awakening, we feel that we are all being asked to step up and co-create the future we dream of. For us this starts with how we bring our children into the world and importantly how we educate them.

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Watch Kathy’s Talk at Megalithomania 2022!

Watch Kathy’s Talk at Megalithomania 2022!

Watch Kathy’s Talk at Megalithomania 2022!

A visual exploration of the many and varied landscape and built Temple spaces in which Goddess has been honoured, experienced and worshipped throughout the ages. Kathy presented her ideas of the ways in which Goddess was beloved by the peoples of ancient European lands as shown through the Temples and Sacred Spaces which were created for Her in many different cultures. These Temple spaces were found everywhere up to the ending of the Neolithic era, and modified and changed as patriarchal values entered in. Most are now in ruins.

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Remembering Koko

Remembering Koko

It seems impossible that ten years have passed since Koko died so suddenly and she is sadly missed, not only by everyone involved with the Goddess Temple here but by the many friends she made on her travels and by guests at Pilgrims B&B, otherwise known as the Priestess House. Koko brought so many of her gifts to our Goddess world and even now inspires us: we’re creating a new section on this website to honour our Foremothers… please click below to read on.

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Storyweaver One begins with an initial exploration over four weekends for anyone who wants to explore their path as a teller, weaver or dreamer of stories. Whether you have been working with stories for many years or are considering it for the first time, your own voice and your own path-in-story is unique. This is an opportunity to explore, discover and deepen your practice, and consider how your unique voice is connected to the story-that-weaves-all-our-ways.

With Chistine Watkins – start date 30 September 2023.

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Offerings from the Temple

Visit the Glastonbury Goddess Temple, a sacred space devoted to Goddess

Ceremonies for individuals and groups to connect with Goddess, held by our Temple Priestesses and Priests

We take people on Goddess Pilgrimages into the magical mystery worlds of Goddess

Our inspirational, transformative online and in-person courses and Priestess trainings

Hire one of our beautiful Goddess spaces for your workshop or event

A beautiful, Goddess-centred gift shop in the Heart of Avalon

Our Goddess healing and therapies centre in the centre of Glastonbury

Sacred marriage ceremonies conducted by Priestesses of Avalon